How A Full Marketing Funnel Helps Boost Your Facebook Ads


Have you ever wondered how both a prospecting and retargeting campaign can help move your potential customers through the funnel and eventually lead to conversions? Keep reading to learn how we use this in our Facebook ads and the results we have seen.

The marketing funnel starts at the top with awareness. Awareness campaigns help educate your audience on your hotel, product, or anything else unique about your company that will help you stand out from the crowd. Usually this can include amenities, activities, or experiences you offer at your hotel that will make it enticing for the next person to learn and eventually book with you. In awareness campaigns we utilize lookalike audiences which is a segmentation tool that finds people whose demographics and interests are similar to your current followers. We also use Adara audiences that have specific audiences that we can target based on their interests, hotel experiences, location, travel, and more. There is also detailed targeting and location targeting that helps us get the best results with our ads.

Then we go into consideration. Consideration can include ads or Facebook posts. You can go into more detail about your hotel, product, or service that will make your potential customer consider buying from you. 

Next, we try to convert our audience through Facebook ads. This is how we move people through the funnel to eventually booking with us. This would be in a retargeting campaign where we try to attract that user who showed interest and target them and remind them about us. In retargeting, we promote ourselves and usually offer some kind of incentive such as an offer, deal, or discount code to bring them in to eventually converting. When it comes to targeting we utilize website visitors, social media engagement, or customer lists to remarket to potential customers.

Lastly, we have engaging your audience on Facebook ads. This could involve customers interacting with your ads and leaving positive feedback about their experience with you or this could also include boosted posts on Facebook to get more engagement and interest in what you are promoting or offering. 

Below we will show some data from our hotels’ Facebook ads campaigns that use this full funnel approach and how it helps them move potential customers through the funnel and to eventually convert. The data is shown from the whole month of July. 

Hotel A received 44,036 impressions, 519 outbound clicks, and a 7.16% CTR. 

Then for retargeting we saw 169 clicks, 11.58x ROAS, and 12 conversions.

Then we move onto Hotel B that also uses this funnel approach. 

In this prospecting campaign we got 103,303 impressions, 3,943 outbound clicks, and an 8.58% CTR.

In retargeting we got 212 outbound clicks, 74.54x ROAS, and 19 conversions. 

How were both of these hotels so successful in their Facebook ads campaigns? First, they had their prospecting campaign. This campaign included details about the hotel, experiences, and special features. Then they had the retargeting campaign that features special events, promotions, or limited time offers to hook in their customer in booking with them. Then to keep engagement with past, present, and future customers they post regularly on their social media and utilize boosted posts that promote an offer or something that is exclusive to either educate their audience or remind them to book with them.

The marketing funnel approach works to move people through the funnel to converting with your hotel, product, or service you are offering. Make sure you stand out from the crowd and show off images of your property, special features, amenities, and exclusive offers. Is there a deal you are offering that you don’t want people to miss? Promote the deal, but also focus on the experience that someone can have at your hotel. What does it feel like to stay there? What experiences, adventures, or activities near your hotel are there for your guests? 

Hopefully this has provided a better understanding of the marketing funnel and how to best use it for successful hotel Facebook ad campaigns. Contact us today to get started on your hotel’s Facebook advertising strategy!

Build Brand Awareness Through Pinterest Promoted Pins


Pinterest is becoming increasingly more important in the travel marketing space. Defined by the company as “The world’s catalog of ideas” (Pinterest), it can best be described as a visual bookmarking tool. It essentially is a space where people can save recipes, DIYs, lifehacks, products, and other interesting information from around the internet. Currently, 150 million active Pinterest users browse the platform’s 75 billion pins (DMR), but Pinterest remains relatively under-utilized by the hospitality industry. In 2016, Pinterest expanded its digital marketing offerings through the introduction of video ads, a “buy button”, and, earlier this year, debuted search ads (ForbesWSJ). But in order to understand Pinterest’s influence, it’s important to understand what purpose it serves. So that being said, how can a hotel utilize Pinterest to their advantage?

While other social marketing platforms, such as Facebook, are great for retargeting efforts, Pinterest serves largely as a brand awareness tool. Many users browse Pinterest to research and plan their purchases, or in the awareness mindset. Pinterest primarily serves the top of the funnel and understanding this is key to correctly utilizing the platform.

Promoted Pins

“Promoted Pins” are Pinterest’s native advertising offering. They look and function similar to regular pins, only businesses pay for users to see them.

promoted pin

It is essentially Pinterest’s version of Facebook promoted posts. They can be utilized for common marketing goals including awareness, engagement, and traffic. Like Facebook, all advertising is managed through a Pinterest Business Account that has been linked to an Ads Manager Platform. Promoting your pins is a four step process that is outlined below:

  1. Create a campaign: here, you specify your campaign goals and your budget. A budget for Pinterest advertising is really up to you. Users have managed to see good results anywhere from $20 to $200, it just depends on how you want to spend and what your real goals are.
  1. Pick a pin to promote: the catch with promoted pins is they must be pre-existing, unlike Facebook where you can create your ads in power editor. Typically, you want to leverage your best-performing pins. To view pin performance metrics, Pinterest has a built-in analytics platform, Pinterest Analytics. You can use multiple pins within one campaign, or stick to just one, it’s up to you. The only real tips to keep in mind is that you want to promote original content that utilizes Pinterest best practices as much as possible and you want it to link back to a website. Do not link to any redirects or lead gen landing pages. Side note: Pinterest offers a type of pin called “Rich Pins”, while there are a number of categories for rich pins, hospitality will be most interested in the “Place” rich pin, which enables the consolidation of business information such as address, phone number, and an interactive map through FourSquare.
  1. Add more details: in the third stage, you add your additional details including your destination URL and audience targeting. Targeting through Pinterest can cover various categories including demographics, keywords, and interests.
  2. Review and promote: the last step is to submit your promoted pin for review, which can take up to 24 hours.

Tracking Conversions

There are a number of ways to setup conversion tracking that can be broken down by different types of conversions (page visits, signups, checkouts, etc.) or action types (clicks, repins, views, etc.) Repins and closeups are some of the most important metrics on Pinterest purely because of what has been iterated above, Pinterest is a top of the funnel approach. People are planning or getting acquainted with your brand more so than they are converting.


Pinterest Promoted Pins are a great brand awareness tool for any business. As the platform grows in both users and digital marketing offerings, it is essential that the hospitality industry recognizes the importance and implement a strategy for utilizing the platform. Whether using Pinterest advertising or just having an active page, Pinterest is an important place for hotel businesses to see and be seen.