Content by
Kristina Weber

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Digital Marketing

LinkedIn Static vs Video Results- Lead Generation Advertising For Hotels

March 5, 2024

LinkedIn Static vs Video Results- Lead Generation Advertising For Hotels

In May, we utilized LinkedIn advertising campaigns to promote a member’s club through lead generation for one of our hotel clients. There are many ad types to choose from...
Digital Marketing

8 Holiday Marketing Tips For Hotels

November 9, 2023

8 Holiday Marketing Tips For Hotels

With the holidays quickly approaching, it’s that time of year again to focus on your marketing, offers, services, and extras you will provide to potential customers. It’s easy to...
Digital Marketing

How To Find Your Hotel’s Target Audience

July 19, 2023

How To Find Your Hotel’s Target Audience

It can be challenging to determine who you should market to in order to have the most success. It's essential to understand the demographics of the guests who visit...
Paid Media

9 Best Practices For LinkedIn Advertising For Hotels

June 20, 2023

9 Best Practices For LinkedIn Advertising For Hotels

LinkedIn Ads is a great marketing tool to utilize for B2B or B2C companies to build leads, online recognition, share content, and more. LinkedIn Ads differs from other ad...
Paid Media

How A Full Marketing Funnel Helps Boost Your Facebook Ads

September 19, 2022

How A Full Marketing Funnel Helps Boost Your Facebook Ads

Have you ever wondered how both a prospecting and retargeting campaign can help move your potential customers through the funnel and eventually lead to conversions? Keep reading to learn...