[Webinar Recording] SearchGPT Study for Hotels


Learn why this emerging search experience is essential for your hotel’s marketing, ways to improve chances of visibility, and more.

In this webinar, we will cover: 

💡 An intro to ChatGPT Search
🎯 Key findings from our study
✅ A review of the experience for branded and non-branded queries
❓ Answers to FAQs including: 

- How does SearchGPT stack up against Google?

- What strategies can boost your hotel's visibility?

- How can you track website traffic from ChatGPT Search?

Download the recording below. ⬇️

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[Webinar Recording] Getting Your Property Started on Threads


Meta's newest social platform is here: a Twitter competitor called Threads. Whether you're already signed up and posting or are hearing about Threads for the first time, we'll run through all you need to know to make the most of this new app.

Top 3 Focus Areas of This Webinar:
1️⃣ Complete overview of this platform and its key features
2️⃣️ Recommended content strategy for hotels on this platform
3️⃣ How you can leverage Threads to connect with customers

[Webinar Recording] Hotel Marketing in an Economic Downturn


Past is prologue. Economic downturns create hardship for a majority of the hospitality industry, but a select few operators use these periods and targeted, smart marketing to create long-term value for their hotels.

As a result, these sophisticated operators experience less negative impact during the downturn, they recover far quicker than their competitors, and they sustain those gains for years to come.

In this webinar we will cover:

  • Is an economic downturn imminent?
  • The 3 paths for combating this cycle
  • The 2 trends dictating the future
  • A step-by-step digital marketing playbook so your property comes out on top

Watch the replay by submitting the form below.

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[Webinar Recording] Metasearch Marketing Optimization Techniques


Earlier this year, GCommerce Solutions polled several thousand hoteliers and learned that very few were aware that metasearch advertising campaigns can be managed and optimized similarly to paid search campaigns. 

3 things attendees can expect to learn:

  • How to ensure your metasearch connections allow for strategy and optimization
  • Bid modifiers and how to use them
  • How to use custom audience on Google to enhance the targeting capabilities of your metasearch marketing campaigns

Watch the replay by submitting the form below.

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Metasearch is one of your best tools for increasing direct traffic and recapturing market share from OTA’s, but only if you’re optimizing your metasearch advertising campaigns. Learn how to harness the power of metasearch advertising to support your property’s unique needs.

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[Webinar Recording] Google Analytics 4: A Look at The Evolution of Google Analytics and Key Learnings About GA4


With the Cookieless world quickly approaching, Google released its Google Analytics 4 beta in Q4 2020 putting the emphasis on user engagement rather than volume. Will Ferris, GCommerce’s Chief Technology Officer, provides an overview of Google Analytics 4 and some key updates you can find in this new tool.

Register to watch this on-demand webinar and learn why GA4 is important to your business.

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[Webinar Recording] Power of Segmentation: Blasting is a Thing of the Past


Blasting is a thing of the past. International and flight travel is slow to return. In this session, we will discuss how properties are attracting their drive markets and seeing creative revenue opportunities and direct booking strategies.

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