Keep Your Hotel In CCPA Compliance on Facebook Ads
Facebook has launched a new Limited Data Use tool to give control and responsibility to advertisers regarding keeping their business in compliance with CCPA while using Facebook Ads. Keep reading to learn more about this new feature and what your hotel needs to do to ensure your business stays in CCPA compliance.
What is the new Facebook Limited Data Use feature?
It is a new feature that Facebook advertisers must utilize to match the compliance requirements of their business in regards to CCPA. It requires an update to the advertiser’s pixel used on the business’ website to go into effect.
What does this new Facebook LDU feature mean for my hotel?
Currently, Limited Data Use has been automatically enabled for all Facebook business accounts, but this will turn off on July 31st, at which point Facebook will require your business to update the pixel used on your website to include the new Limited Data Use parameter to control data collection and usage for certain users.
If your hotel does not take action by July 31, your business takes on sole responsibility for compliance with CCPA and Facebook is not liable.
What does my hotel need to do to stay in compliance with CCPA while using Facebook Ads?
We are not legal experts, I repeat we are not legal experts, and this is not to be taken as legal advice. You should seek counsel with your CCPA lawyer based on what level of action you should take. Once you have direction from your lawyer, select one of the following three possible options that make sense for your hotel and contact your hotel’s digital marketing agency to direct them on what action you want them to take.

It’s also important to call out that the option you go with can have serious implications for your hotel’s marketing. If you decide to use a risk-averse approach and enable Limited Data Use for all California users then you will be excluding all of these users from your remarketing list. If you have a large number of consumers from California this would potentially decrease your audience size to be too small to target and cut off your retargeting campaigns and a great source of revenue in your hotel’s marketing funnel.
My hotel currently uses the OneTrust cookie banner to regulate cookie settings on my site, do we still need to make any changes to our Facebook pixel to stay in compliance?
If you are currently using OneTrust cookie compliance on your hotel’s website, bravo! You’ve already taken great strides to make sure your business is in compliance with CCPA by providing users with cookie tracking preference options. If you don’t have the OneTrust cookie compliance banner on your site, we recommend it highly as a solution to help with cookie usage compliance for California residents.
If you already have OneTrust cookie compliance on your hotel’s website, you still need to adjust your Facebook pixel to set it to only enable Limited Data Use when the user opts out. The great part of using the OneTrust tool is that it provides the opt-out option that has a more limited impact on your hotel’s marketing and automatically disables tracking across any platform you’re using, including Google Ads and Facebook Ads, when a visitor opts-out.
How do I get my hotel’s Facebook pixel updated to include Limited Data Use?
Contact your hotel’s digital marketing agency, or whoever manages your Facebook Ads campaigns, to request they update the Facebook pixel. Then make sure your website is updated with the revised pixel.
If you need assistance or have any questions, please reach out to our hotel digital marketing experts at GCommerce.