Content by
Alex Horrocks

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How to Adjust Your Metasearch Bids for Maximum Direct Bookings

May 14, 2024

How to Adjust Your Metasearch Bids for Maximum Direct Bookings

Metasearch serves as a powerful tool for hotels, wielding considerable influence within the online travel sphere. Established giants like Expedia, TripAdvisor, and have long leveraged this platform to...
SEO and Content Marketing

What Is Google’s Performance Max?

November 20, 2023

What Is Google’s Performance Max?

You’ve heard of Paid Search, and you’ve heard of Display. But what about Performance Max? Performance Max was introduced to Google Ads somewhat recently and only rolled out worldwide...
Web Design & Development

How To Build A Top Performing Hotel Website

March 18, 2021

How To Build A Top Performing Hotel Website

On a cold winter day in January of 2021, a group of elite developers, designers and digital marketers gathered in an encrypted and secret online meeting to evaluate two...